Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
208 lines
Option Explicit
Global Const ApplicationName = "SERIALIZ"
Global DirectoryForApplication As String
Global SelectedLanguage As String
Global CurrentLanguage As Integer
Global SaveTitleForm As String
Global FileToUse As String
Sub FileProcessAdd ()
Dim ErrCode As Integer
Dim WasSerial As Integer
' get the full name to use
FileToUse = GetFileToUse()
' if no file selected, stop
If (Len(FileToUse) = 0) Then Exit Sub
' check if file is serialized
WasSerial = cIsSerial(FileToUse)
' format the serial number field
frmSerialization.SerNumber.Text = Val(frmSerialization.SerNumber.Text)
' set the serialization info from fields
SERIALDATA.Description1 = frmSerialization.SerPart1.Text
SERIALDATA.Description2 = frmSerialization.SerPart2.Text
SERIALDATA.Number = frmSerialization.SerNumber.Text
' put the serialization info
ErrCode = cSerialPut(FileToUse, SERIALDATA)
' check if file was been serialized
If (WasSerial = False) Then
' yes, display the message
Call MessageDisplay("2", FileToUse)
' no, display the message
Call MessageDisplay("3", FileToUse)
End If
End Sub
Sub FileProcessChange ()
Dim ErrCode As Integer
' get the full name to use
FileToUse = GetFileToUse()
' if no file selected, stop
If (Len(FileToUse) = 0) Then Exit Sub
' check if file is serialized
If (cIsSerial(FileToUse) = 0) Then
' no, display error
Call MessageDisplay("1", FileToUse)
' yes, add 1 to serial number
ErrCode = cSerialInc(FileToUse, 1)
' read the serialization info
ErrCode = cSerialGet(FileToUse, SERIALDATA)
' set the serialization info on fields
frmSerialization.SerPart1.Text = SERIALDATA.Description1
frmSerialization.SerPart2.Text = SERIALDATA.Description2
frmSerialization.SerNumber.Text = SERIALDATA.Number
' check the serial number, for example MOD 10
If ((SERIALDATA.Number Mod 10) = 0) Then
' yes, modulo 10, display message
Call MessageDisplay("4", FileToUse)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FileProcessRead ()
Dim ErrCode As Integer
' get the full name to use
FileToUse = GetFileToUse()
' if no file selected, stop
If (Len(FileToUse) = 0) Then Exit Sub
' check if file is serialized
If (cIsSerial(FileToUse) = 0) Then
' no, display error
Call MessageDisplay("1", FileToUse)
' yes, display the serialization info
ErrCode = cSerialGet(FileToUse, SERIALDATA)
' set the serialization info on fields
frmSerialization.SerPart1.Text = SERIALDATA.Description1
frmSerialization.SerPart2.Text = SERIALDATA.Description2
frmSerialization.SerNumber.Text = SERIALDATA.Number
End If
End Sub
Sub FileProcessRemove ()
Dim ErrCode As Integer
' get the full name to use
FileToUse = GetFileToUse()
' if no file selected, stop
If (Len(FileToUse) = 0) Then Exit Sub
' check if file is serialized
If (cIsSerial(FileToUse) = 0) Then
' no, display error
Call MessageDisplay("1", FileToUse)
' yes, remove the serialization info
ErrCode = cSerialRmv(FileToUse)
' display remove message
Call MessageDisplay("5", FileToUse)
End If
End Sub
Function GetFileToUse () As String
' check if a file has been selected
If (frmSerialization.File1.ListIndex >= 0) Then
' yes, form the full name
GetFileToUse = frmSerialization.File1.Path + "\" + frmSerialization.File1.List(frmSerialization.File1.ListIndex)
Call MessageDisplay("0", "")
' no, return empty
GetFileToUse = ""
End If
End Function
Sub Loader ()
Dim ErrCode As Integer
Dim SplitPath As tagSPLITPATH
' some initializations
CurrentLanguage = LNG_ENGLISH
DirectoryForApplication = cGetIn(cEXEnameActiveWindow(), ".", 1)
' split the path of the application into four components
ErrCode = cSplitPath(DirectoryForApplication, SplitPath)
' regenerate only the directory of the application
DirectoryForApplication = SplitPath.nDrive + SplitPath.nDir
' set the default language
SelectedLanguage = ".TUK"
' save the caption of this form
SaveTitleForm = frmSerialization.Caption
' change the language to the current language in the system menu of the current form
Call cLngSysMenu(CurrentLanguage, frmSerialization.hWnd)
ErrCode = cReadCtlLanguage(frmSerialization.Label1(0), RS_CAPTION, DirectoryForApplication + ApplicationName + SelectedLanguage)
End Sub
Sub MessageDisplay (TextOrder As String, InsertText As String)
' display a multi-language message box, message are centered
' and a timeout of 30 seconds is displayed.
Call cLngBoxMsg(CurrentLanguage, ReadText(TextOrder, InsertText), MB_MESSAGE_LEFT Or MB_TIMEOUT_30 Or MB_DISPLAY_TIMEOUT Or 32, SaveTitleForm)
End Sub
Function ReadText (TextOrder As String, InsertText As String) As String
Dim Tmp As String
Dim BasisText As String
' read the text in the language file
BasisText = cGetIni(ApplicationName, TextOrder, "?", DirectoryForApplication & ApplicationName & SelectedLanguage)
' insert some text if any
Tmp = cInsertBlocks(BasisText, InsertText)
' change all º to make a CR
Call cChangeChars(Tmp, "º", Chr$(13))
ReadText = Tmp
End Function